Beautiful Jandi as we all knew her from BOF or Gu Hye Sun to fans is holding an art exhibition.
Free admission!
[Wish I can go there...]
[Wish I can go there...]
One of the talented artists in the entertainment industry, that's our unnie Gu Hye Sun. Looking at her arts, you can see how creative her imaginations are and how deep she is as a person. I am not an art enthusiast, so I am not a goo critic but I know just looking at these photos that they are done artistically.
What's more fulfilling for her is that her gracious heart, warm and caring. All profits will be donated to leukemia patients.
What's more fulfilling for her is that her gracious heart, warm and caring. All profits will be donated to leukemia patients.
Chukahae Gu Hye Sun!
구혜선 개인전 '잔상'에 여러분을 초대합니다.
(입장료는 받지 않습니다.)
(입장료는 받지 않습니다.)

Art Exhibition 'Afterimage' (구혜선 개인전 '잔상')
Actress and director, the multi-talented entertainer Ku Hye Sun hold an art exhibition titled
“Afterimage” at Hangaram Art Museum of Seoul Arts Center from Sept. 18-24. She will
donate all profits from her solo exhibition to leukaemia patients.
구혜선 개인전 '잔상' 전시회가 예술의 전당 한가람 미술관 갤러리에서 열렸습니다. 다방면에
서 예술적 감각을 드러내고 있는 멀티 엔터테이너 구혜선의 개인전은 9월 18일부터 9월 24
일까지 진행됩니다. 전시회에서 발생되는 수익 전액을 한국백혈병환우회에 기부한다고 하니
여러분의 많은 성원 부탁드립니다!

cre: GHS@FB