the following videos consist of the best behind the camera...
Source: 쭌표좋아@DC Minho
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: [MVN] BOF Premium Event DVD in Yokohama P9/11 Special Back Stage
[MVN] BOF Premium Event DVD in Yokohama P10/11 - Special Back Stage
Source: 쭌표좋아@DC Minho
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: [MVN] BOF Premium Event DVD in Yokohama P10/11 Special Back Stage
[MVN] BOF Premium Event DVD in Yokohama P11/11 - Special Back Stage
Source: 쭌표좋아@DC Minho
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: [MVN] BOF Premium Event DVD in Yokohama P11/11 Special Back Stage
Gu Hye Sun's Upcoming Drama

Goo Hye Sun's new drama BLOOD will be updated in Wandering Thoughts.
I will try to make screen caps/gif and share some thoughts about the drama.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
[Fanvid] 지선 - 어떡하죠 Jisun - What To Do
this one is Jan Di's moments of heartbreak...another MV made with a fitting song which is also beautiful although I don't understand the lyrics, yet listening to the song is enough to make my heart cry...
I love this song and this is my first time making a music video. It's not that awesome, but please comment. :)
Category: Entertainment
Tags: Jisun 지선 어떡하죠 What To Do Music Video MV Fanvideo Fanvid BOF Boys Over Flowers Goo Jun Pyo Geum Jan Di Boys Before Flowers 꽃보다 남자 OST
I love this song and this is my first time making a music video. It's not that awesome, but please comment. :)
Category: Entertainment
Tags: Jisun 지선 어떡하죠 What To Do Music Video MV Fanvideo Fanvid BOF Boys Over Flowers Goo Jun Pyo Geum Jan Di Boys Before Flowers 꽃보다 남자 OST
Boys Over Flowers MV: Heart, I'm Sorry (Korean Version)
the following scenes here in the video were all beautiful and some were heartbreaking...which makes this video more endearing to me. i love how GJP expressed his feelings of heartbreak in the airport lounge when GJD left with JH...the song in this mv was beautiful as well and fits the video accurately.
love it!
Fanmade MV
Add "&fmt=18" to the end of the URL for High Quality
Music: Lee Ji Hoon "Heart, I'm Sorry"
JoonPyo's feelings towards Jandi and with the break up and how he felt.
English Translation Credit To:
Ms.Park Eunwon from Camael
Subbed By Me
Category: Entertainment
Tags: boys before flowers lee ji hoon heart im sorry bbf kkoboda namja over korean version mv asian drama
love it!
Fanmade MV
Add "&fmt=18" to the end of the URL for High Quality
Music: Lee Ji Hoon "Heart, I'm Sorry"
JoonPyo's feelings towards Jandi and with the break up and how he felt.
English Translation Credit To:
Ms.Park Eunwon from Camael
Subbed By Me
Category: Entertainment
Tags: boys before flowers lee ji hoon heart im sorry bbf kkoboda namja over korean version mv asian drama
Sunday, December 27, 2009
as promised...i'll never forget(updated)
It has been seven years...and I can truly say that the deep anguish I felt then, was now replaced by something less painful, perhaps a sadness whenever this day, will occur, the 27th of December, a twinge of regret will hold my heart and squeeze it gently...and sometimes I will dwell on the "what if?" Time really is a great healer. The heart could be broken to pieces, still, it has the capacity to mend and become okay if not whole again.
I still miss you, Miguel.You will always have the best part, never just a corner, inside my heart. I will never forget, never, as promised. I love you.
I really had not thought that this day would come where I can freely remember what we all went through, seven years ago, a very unforgettable and grave day for all of us, and feel alright. The hole you left was perhaps filled again as time passed by, the pain has lessened, my heart has healed, still...I miss you.
Your name I will always bring as I continue my travels and journeys ahead, Miguel.
Let me have this little space to just remember...because I don't want to forget. I fear that if I don't utter his name, I will forget. That is why I always find time to just simply utter his name, whenever I could.
This space is for him. This moment is dedicated to him.
[Lyrics] Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton
I still miss you, Miguel.You will always have the best part, never just a corner, inside my heart. I will never forget, never, as promised. I love you.
I really had not thought that this day would come where I can freely remember what we all went through, seven years ago, a very unforgettable and grave day for all of us, and feel alright. The hole you left was perhaps filled again as time passed by, the pain has lessened, my heart has healed, still...I miss you.
Your name I will always bring as I continue my travels and journeys ahead, Miguel.
Let me have this little space to just remember...because I don't want to forget. I fear that if I don't utter his name, I will forget. That is why I always find time to just simply utter his name, whenever I could.
This space is for him. This moment is dedicated to him.
[Lyrics] Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Lee Min Ho needs a girlfriend to help clean up his room
In what would surely generate screams from fangirls, Lee Min Ho has no issues with walking around the house in his undergarments and "needs a girlfriend to help clean up his room."
The Korean star shared these and other personal trivia during his 'intimate fan-session' on Monday night, where his fans (mostly female) could also play games and cozy up to the hunk.
The 22-year-old, who rose to fame as the rich, spoilt teenager in Boys Over Flowers, came back to Singapore for a second visit (he first arrived in October).
He shared that he "personally loves to ski. At the ski center, 80% of the people there are couples and it makes me jealous. If I have a girlfriend, I will definitely bring her to go skiing,"
He then asked in jest, "How many of you guys know how to ski?" to which hands shot up from everywhere after his question., "That is more than I have expected! If you guys do not know how to ski, come to Korea and you'll be able to see me ski."
Asked about his ideal look for girlfriend, he answered, "She has to have a pair of charming eyes. A beautiful appearance, good skin, and has to be tall." (He's 1.86m.)
The actor drew out a portrait of his 'ideal woman' only to mock his own art skills. "My drawing capabilities are that of a five or six-year-old child."
While he spoke mostly in his Korean tongue with the help of an English translator, he attempted a few sentences in English like, "Where are you from?", "Nice to meet you," which only got his adoring fangirls bowling over even more with his earnest demeanour.
But for all the love chat, the heartthrob, who's been labeled as 'Sunshine Boy' because of his grin, plans to focus on building up his career, and revealed that he will only "consider getting married after turning 32." He addressed, in a letter he personally wrote, his local fans and promised "To fulfill your expectations, and challenge myself and try out even more different and interesting roles."
The Korean star shared these and other personal trivia during his 'intimate fan-session' on Monday night, where his fans (mostly female) could also play games and cozy up to the hunk.
The 22-year-old, who rose to fame as the rich, spoilt teenager in Boys Over Flowers, came back to Singapore for a second visit (he first arrived in October).
He shared that he "personally loves to ski. At the ski center, 80% of the people there are couples and it makes me jealous. If I have a girlfriend, I will definitely bring her to go skiing,"
He then asked in jest, "How many of you guys know how to ski?" to which hands shot up from everywhere after his question., "That is more than I have expected! If you guys do not know how to ski, come to Korea and you'll be able to see me ski."
Asked about his ideal look for girlfriend, he answered, "She has to have a pair of charming eyes. A beautiful appearance, good skin, and has to be tall." (He's 1.86m.)
The actor drew out a portrait of his 'ideal woman' only to mock his own art skills. "My drawing capabilities are that of a five or six-year-old child."
While he spoke mostly in his Korean tongue with the help of an English translator, he attempted a few sentences in English like, "Where are you from?", "Nice to meet you," which only got his adoring fangirls bowling over even more with his earnest demeanour.
But for all the love chat, the heartthrob, who's been labeled as 'Sunshine Boy' because of his grin, plans to focus on building up his career, and revealed that he will only "consider getting married after turning 32." He addressed, in a letter he personally wrote, his local fans and promised "To fulfill your expectations, and challenge myself and try out even more different and interesting roles."
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
new video from donnapie...Minsun's actions speak louder than words
Are they or aren't they? Minho said they're so close like brothers and sisters that a possibility of a romance has never crossed their minds but are they just doing lip service in order to protect each other?
Action speaks louder than words so they say and this video is solid proof that what MinSun share is not brotherly or sisterly at all... (not unless that brother and sister wants to go to hell... hahaha!)
0:05 - 0: 17 - various photos of Minsun during September's Japan promotions..
The first two pictures were onstage and the last was a candid shot from the chuo chuo photoshoot
0:18- 0:29 - Namsan outing for Japan promo last July... Hyesun called out Minho's name in such a sweet way and he seemed to hesitate at first before greeting her with a hug (perhaps because they're oncam and conscious?)
0:30 - 0:44 - Sharing a break and a joke behind the scenes while waiting for their take of the bus chase scene
0:45 - 0:50 - whispering together during BOF's presscon last January... The entire time that they were not asked a question, MinSun can be seen whispering to each other and giggling together in the background
0:51 - 1:07- MinSun in Taiwan... Hyesun asked to choose whom she'd want to date between the two hosts... she didn't choose anyone and went to hide behind Minho while he chose for her... (sweetttttttt!)
1:09- 1:16 - Taking time out of their busy schedules to watch Kim Joon's musical last October... They left the venue together along with Kim Bum but Minho is still so conscious as to always check on Hyesun
1:17- 1:32 -Minho in Taiwan... His expression becoming rapt and serious when looking at his kissing scene with Hyesun... he unconsciously licks his lips and tilts his head with a smile to one side at certain points of the clip...
1:33 - 1:43 - MinSun in Taiwan... Hyesun asked whom she'd date in real life among the F4 given the choice and Minho saying ME twice while nudging her earning a shy, giddy smile from Hyesun
1:44 - 1:55 - Offcam during one of their kissing scene takes... Hyesun teaching Minho how to move his head ... (look at the flirtatious way they smile and stare at each other...)
1:55 - 2:02 - One of the sweetest offcam moments... Minho making sure Hyesun's hat does not fall off on her and touching her so lovingly far longer than necessary..
2:03 - 2:27 -Hyesun's aegyo and her cute way of torturing Minho by sticking him with a fork... (The F3 was present in this shoot and yet Minho and hyesun were inseparable the entire time)
2:28 - 2:35- braving the crowds and stares of people during Kim Joon's musical... Hyesun being lowkey and not taking her hood off the entire time... Minho being gentlemanly as usual and making sure she's taken care of by giving her a drink
2:36- 2:43 -Too close for comfort in BOF's farewell party... (according to a Korean newspaper, they were rumored to be very, very close at a bar with the F3 at some point of that evening)
2:44 - 2:55 - offcam in caledonia. Hyesun toying with Minho by throwing chocolates at him and making him catch it with his mouth which he does obediently... kekeke...
2:57- 3:05 - leaving the venue together for good downloader in November... Minho's bodyguard waving fans aside for Hyesun
3:06 - 3:12-Minho for Haptic mission and stopping in the middle of Seoul because of Jandi's picture which he can't seem to take his eyes off...
3:13 - 3:23 - Hyesun saying she wants to fly a plane with her future bf as passenger and Minho reacting by saying she wants to kill him ... hahaha! As if he would be that bf...
3:24- 3:35 -Hyesun putting horns on Minho playfully while Minho lovingly touches her hair...
3:36 - 4:01 -The smoldering looks that Minho gives Hyesun and Hyesun being so conscious that she can't even look at him...They are seated so closely together for this shoot... (on the same shoot Hyesun looks at proofs but looks at Minho instead and tells him he looks like a pig because of his bloated cheeks and how everyone says he's gained weight... Nagging wife, is that you? hahaha!)
4:02 - 4:18 -Minho surprising Hyesun by seemingly leaning in for a kiss offcam... in the same shoot Minho scolded Hyesun for avoiding his kisses saying she should be so used to it because they did it so many times already (which he has memorized and enumerated perfectly... hahaha!)
4:19 - 4:28 -Hyesun massaging Minho's tummy while he holds her hand... And they also shared a little secret... this earned teasing from the staff of BOF and from Kim Bum saying they should not do such naughty things in front of the camera ... hahaha!
4:29 - 4:38 - Minho teasing Hyesun's pronunciation earning him a tickle...
4:39 - 4:45 - Hyesun appearing behind Minho.... Minho saying " Long time no see... I've missed you" Making Hyesun cover her face in embarassment and running away...
(The way MInho said the words shyly is PURE LOVE!)
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: minsun lee minho goo hyesun Boys over flowers kkotboda namja korean meteor garden junpyo jandi
Friday, December 18, 2009
Lee Min-ho: 'I Want My Next Role to be Cheerful and Fun'
cre:Riana-Mbhie Yanz (World of Minsuners)
"I want to play a macho guy and try my skills at melodrama as well. I want to try so many things. But since I'm still very young, the best role for me would be a cheerful one," said actor Lee Min-ho, who rose to stardom for his role in "Boys Over Flowers," at a news conference on December 15 in Taiwan. The news conference was held prior to Lee's fan meeting at the National Taiwan University.
The actor said he felt significant pressure with regard to his next role because his previous role was very popular. "Boys Over Flowers," which ended in March, recorded viewer ratings of nearly 35 percent. Lee said choosing the right role was his priority and dilemma at this point, saying, "I'm feeling pressure because everyone around me keeps asking me about my next production. I want to receive recognition for my acting skills and I want my next drama to record high viewer ratings while also receiving credit for its high quality. I hope at least one of these aspects will be realized."
Lee says he wants to receive the Best New Actor award from KBS this year. He will appear in a new TV drama early next year after choosing a new role from among three roles that he has been offered.
Lee said he had been watching the TV drama "Iris" lately and that he would like to appear in "Iris 2" if he were offered a part. He said, "I admire Lee Byung-heon for his excellent acting talent. I envy him. A candy kiss? Hmm, I haven't thought about that."
Lee had to postpone choosing his next role because of a leg injury that he received in a car accident. He said, "The surgery is done. My leg is still in bad condition. When it rains, my joints ache a lot. I head that once your cartilage is damaged, it'll never recover again. But I think I can still run in a marathon, but I'm not sure if I can finish it."
Whenever he has free time, Lee learns English and Japanese and enjoys shopping with his production crew. He also likes to ski with actor Kim Bum and Chung Il-woo. Lee said, "I feel the need to learn foreign languages because sometimes I hold fan meetings overseas. My foreign fans can't understand my jokes immediately. That's why I'm learning English and Japanese. I'm learning English from my sister, who majored in English. My skills are still similar to those of a 3-year old."
(Source: Kbs )
credits : asianbite
"I want to play a macho guy and try my skills at melodrama as well. I want to try so many things. But since I'm still very young, the best role for me would be a cheerful one," said actor Lee Min-ho, who rose to stardom for his role in "Boys Over Flowers," at a news conference on December 15 in Taiwan. The news conference was held prior to Lee's fan meeting at the National Taiwan University.
The actor said he felt significant pressure with regard to his next role because his previous role was very popular. "Boys Over Flowers," which ended in March, recorded viewer ratings of nearly 35 percent. Lee said choosing the right role was his priority and dilemma at this point, saying, "I'm feeling pressure because everyone around me keeps asking me about my next production. I want to receive recognition for my acting skills and I want my next drama to record high viewer ratings while also receiving credit for its high quality. I hope at least one of these aspects will be realized."
Lee says he wants to receive the Best New Actor award from KBS this year. He will appear in a new TV drama early next year after choosing a new role from among three roles that he has been offered.
Lee said he had been watching the TV drama "Iris" lately and that he would like to appear in "Iris 2" if he were offered a part. He said, "I admire Lee Byung-heon for his excellent acting talent. I envy him. A candy kiss? Hmm, I haven't thought about that."
Lee had to postpone choosing his next role because of a leg injury that he received in a car accident. He said, "The surgery is done. My leg is still in bad condition. When it rains, my joints ache a lot. I head that once your cartilage is damaged, it'll never recover again. But I think I can still run in a marathon, but I'm not sure if I can finish it."
Whenever he has free time, Lee learns English and Japanese and enjoys shopping with his production crew. He also likes to ski with actor Kim Bum and Chung Il-woo. Lee said, "I feel the need to learn foreign languages because sometimes I hold fan meetings overseas. My foreign fans can't understand my jokes immediately. That's why I'm learning English and Japanese. I'm learning English from my sister, who majored in English. My skills are still similar to those of a 3-year old."
(Source: Kbs )
credits : asianbite
Taiwan fans pinched LMH's bottom...
Lee Min Ho held a fan meeting session in Taipei, Taiwan on the 15th Dec. Before the fans meeting session there was a press conference at the Taipei Westin Hotel.At the press conference, Lee Min Ho expressed: “Although I came to Taiwan previously to promote my drama, this time I came alone to meet my fans directly. Even though my singing is poor, but I hope that everyone will finds me adorable.”
The same day evening at 8pm, Lee Min Ho performed at the Taipei’s National Taiwan University Stadium in his fans meeting session. He sang 2 songs from the ‘Boys Before Flowers’ soundtrack - ‘My Everything’ and ‘Boys Before Flowers’ main theme.
Lee Min Ho said that his greatest charm is his friendliness. He continued: “Although there was script for the fans meeting session, I don’t really read it. I often joke so that time pass more easily. Therefore I hope to learn more foreign languages. Because if I would to tell a Korean joke, the meaning will be different and it takes time to translate, if no one laugh, I will feel very embarrassed.”
Lee Min Ho’s sister speaks English very well. Currently he is learning English from his sister and he said it embarrassingly that his English is still at a very basic level.
‘Boys Before Flowers’ receives very high popularity in Taiwan and Japan. Lee Min Ho said: “Compared to Japanese fans, South Korea and Taiwan fans are more aggressive in showing their love. He smiled and said: “When I was at the airport immigration office, a fan pinched me at my bottom. I turned around quickly to look but that person had already disappeared. I seem to understand how a woman felt when she had been sexually harassed as I have such experience now.”
Lee Min Ho had never miss any episodes of Korean TV drama ‘IRIS’. He said: “I see Lee Byung Hun as a role model. If the production team ask me to act in ‘IRIS2′, I will actively consider. Although I received a lot of support through ‘Boys Before Flowers’ but it also consider as a heavy burden as my next drama has to be a great success too. Currently I’m choosing my next drama, hope to see everyone soon in the first half of next year.”
Being asked if Goo Hye Sun (who is preparing to direct a movie) will to ask if he will like to act in her movie, will he accept the invitation? Lee Min Ho laughed and said: “There was once she showed me the script and I told her that I’m busy. She replied by saying: “I do not have the idea of asking you to act in my movie.”
Source From: IsPlus
Lee Min Ho held a fan meeting session in Taipei, Taiwan on the 15th Dec. Before the fans meeting session there was a press conference at the Taipei Westin Hotel.At the press conference, Lee Min Ho expressed: “Although I came to Taiwan previously to promote my drama, this time I came alone to meet my fans directly. Even though my singing is poor, but I hope that everyone will finds me adorable.”
The same day evening at 8pm, Lee Min Ho performed at the Taipei’s National Taiwan University Stadium in his fans meeting session. He sang 2 songs from the ‘Boys Before Flowers’ soundtrack - ‘My Everything’ and ‘Boys Before Flowers’ main theme.
Lee Min Ho said that his greatest charm is his friendliness. He continued: “Although there was script for the fans meeting session, I don’t really read it. I often joke so that time pass more easily. Therefore I hope to learn more foreign languages. Because if I would to tell a Korean joke, the meaning will be different and it takes time to translate, if no one laugh, I will feel very embarrassed.”
Lee Min Ho’s sister speaks English very well. Currently he is learning English from his sister and he said it embarrassingly that his English is still at a very basic level.
‘Boys Before Flowers’ receives very high popularity in Taiwan and Japan. Lee Min Ho said: “Compared to Japanese fans, South Korea and Taiwan fans are more aggressive in showing their love. He smiled and said: “When I was at the airport immigration office, a fan pinched me at my bottom. I turned around quickly to look but that person had already disappeared. I seem to understand how a woman felt when she had been sexually harassed as I have such experience now.”
Lee Min Ho had never miss any episodes of Korean TV drama ‘IRIS’. He said: “I see Lee Byung Hun as a role model. If the production team ask me to act in ‘IRIS2′, I will actively consider. Although I received a lot of support through ‘Boys Before Flowers’ but it also consider as a heavy burden as my next drama has to be a great success too. Currently I’m choosing my next drama, hope to see everyone soon in the first half of next year.”
Being asked if Goo Hye Sun (who is preparing to direct a movie) will to ask if he will like to act in her movie, will he accept the invitation? Lee Min Ho laughed and said: “There was once she showed me the script and I told her that I’m busy. She replied by saying: “I do not have the idea of asking you to act in my movie.”
Source From: IsPlus
Thursday, December 17, 2009
091216 CTI "Yu Le Shan Jai Ji" - Lee Min Ho TW Fanmeeting + Interview
I want to make some comments regarding this video. I find Minho's expression quite interesting when he watched the clip of junpyo and jandi's kissing scenes. He was smiling wildly before because of the spoofs of 2actors, but had a change of expression when the kissing scenes appeared on screen. He was somewhat subdued though still had that mysterious expression, maybe he was reliving the scenes all over again in his head, he was remembering GHS, was as if he suddenly clamp up, but since i was watching him closely, there was this expression on his face that only he can know what it meant. Anyway, it wasn't as if he was embarrassed of watching himself in a kissing scene...maybe it reminded him of those sweet memories with GHS. Whatever he was thinking during that short time, only our imaginative minds could interpret.
Interviews of Lee Min Ho in his Taiwan Fanmeet (12/15/09)
李敏鎬唱歌陪粉絲提前過聖誕 嘴甜讚台灣女生漂亮
對這場台北見面會非常重視的李敏鎬,下午抵達會場後不斷彩排,就為了要呈現自己最好的一面,活動中他演唱了「My Everything」和「情非得已」兩首作品,對歌喉頗沒有自信的他,看得出演唱時很緊張,但還是獲得粉絲們熱情掌聲。
Cre Yahoo News
brief translation:
Lee Min Ho sings to celebrate Xmas with fans in advance and said Taiwan girls are pretty
On the 15th night, Lee Min Ho held his fanmeeting at NTU Sports Center. He sings live and share his childhood photos and also cook dessert to celebrate Christmas with his fans in advance.
Lee Min Ho has rehearsed for the fanmeet since he arrived the venue in the afternoon. To show his best, he sings two songs, "My Everything" and "Qin Fei De Yi". He is not very confident about his singing and was nervous when he sing, but still he received big applause from his fans.
During the fanmeet, LMH answered 5 questions from his lucky fans. When asked about the type of girl he likes, he said he like every type and said Taiwan girls are all beautiful. in addition, he said his relationship with Ku Hyesun is like brother & sister, thus they won't have further development after filming. after the fanmeet, LMH planned to leave Taiwan on the 16th at 2:55pm by flight BR160.
(note: sorry I don't know how to translate the first sentence exactly so i skipped that. It says LMH has a habit of lifting his little finger.)
Source: Dong A,
Lee Min Ho: I want to take part in IRIS 2
8 months after Boys Before Flowers, Lee Min Ho is still very much involved in promotion activities. Yesterday, he was at Taiwan for his personal fan-meeting. Earlier that day, he attended a press conference at Westin Hotel where he made several ‘confessions’.
1. I want to take part in IRIS 2
Our flower-boy is currently choosing his next project, which is likely to be released in the first half of 2010. He expresses his wish for a manly and melodramatic role and is currently looking at 2-3 good scripts. Due to his previous success in BOF, he feels the pressure to deliver an even better performance in his next project. In addition, he confesses his wish to be part of IRIS 2 and would like to learn from sunbae Lee Byeong Heon.
2. His Christmas wish? A girlfriend!
I dont want a lonely Christmas. I want be able to have a good time while working hard at the same time. It will be good if I can find a girlfriend. It doesnt matter if shes 12 years apart from me. It will be even better if shes older than me but still have a young face.
Lee Min Ho expresses that hallyu star Song Hye Gyo is his ideal type and he has been a fan of hers since he was a kid.
3. I want to receive the Best New Actor award
Its the end of another year and time for the awards ceremony! Lee Min Ho expresses his greed to win the coveted award. One can only have a single chance to win this award.
"2009 has been the best year for me. The 23rd year of my life was filled with happiness and warmth. Looking back, I still cant believe my good luck."
Actor Lee Min Ho said, "After Song Hye Kyo reveals her love relationship, she is still my dream lover." On 15th before the fanmeeting at NTU Sports Centre in Taiwan, Lee Min Ho talked to media about his recently move, ideal girlfriend and upcoming plan.
Lee Min Ho said, "The Xmas gift I want most is a girlfriend. no matter what kind of girl, all I want is a girl who I can talk to comfortably like a friend. I don't like to be in an atmosphere that makes him feel uncomfortable or uneasy, I want a girlfriend who could let me relax."
Lee Min Ho stated in a previous program that Song Hye Kyo was his dream lover. He said, "I have been a fans of Song Hye Kyo since I was little, thus it won't change." He also expressed that even the relationship of Song Hye Kyo & Hyun Bin would not change his thought. He even said, "If I really like a girl, it doesn't matter even if she is much older than me (that part is really exaggerating since 一輪 means 60 years) " When reporter asked, "Who will be the one you most wanted to pair up for the MBC Program 'We Got Married'?" He answered, "Since most of the girls who I have been working with were older than me, I want someone younger to be with me for the program." Everyone laughed for his contradictory answers.
Lee Min Ho said, "This year's Xmas, I think I can only rely on works to get away from loneliness." In addition, Lee Min Ho sang for 2000 plus fans and showed his cooking skill at the fanmeeting.
Lee Min Ho held a fan meeting session in Taipei, Taiwan on the 15th Dec. Before the fans meeting session there was a press conference at the Taipei Westin Hotel.
At the press conference, Lee Min Ho expressed: “Although I came to Taiwan previously to promote my drama, this time I came alone to meet my fans directly. Even though my singing is poor, but I hope that everyone will finds me adorable.”
The same day evening at 8pm, Lee Min Ho performed at the Taipei’s National Taiwan University Stadium in his fans meeting session. He sang 2 songs from the ‘Boys Before Flowers’ soundtrack - ‘My Everything’ and ‘Boys Before Flowers’ main theme.
Lee Min Ho said that his greatest charm is his friendliness. He continued: “Although there was script for the fans meeting session, I don’t really read it. I often joke so that time pass more easily. Therefore I hope to learn more foreign languages. Because if I would to tell a Korean joke, the meaning will be different and it takes time to translate, if no one laugh, I will feel very embarrassed.”
Lee Min Ho’s sister speaks English very well. Currently he is learning English from his sister and he said it embarrassingly that his English is still at a very basic level.
‘Boys Before Flowers’ receives very high popularity in Taiwan and Japan. Lee Min Ho said: “Compared to Japanese fans, South Korea and Taiwan fans are more aggressive in showing their love. He smiled and said: “When I was at the airport immigration office, a fan pinched me at my bottom. I turned around quickly to look but that person had already disappeared. I seem to understand how a woman felt when she had been sexually harassed as I have such experience now.”
Lee Min Ho had never miss any episodes of Korean TV drama ‘IRIS’. He said: “I see Lee Byung Hun as a role model. If the production team ask me to act in ‘IRIS2′, I will actively consider. Although I received a lot of support through ‘Boys Before Flowers’ but it also consider as a heavy burden as my next drama has to be a great success too. Currently I’m choosing my next drama, hope to see everyone soon in the first half of next year.”
Being asked if Goo Hye Sun (who is preparing to direct a movie) will to ask if he will like to act in her movie, will he accept the invitation? Lee Min Ho laughed and said: “There was once she showed me the script and I told her that I’m busy. She replied by saying: “I do not have the idea of asking you to act in my movie.”
Source From: IsPlus, koreanclicks
對這場台北見面會非常重視的李敏鎬,下午抵達會場後不斷彩排,就為了要呈現自己最好的一面,活動中他演唱了「My Everything」和「情非得已」兩首作品,對歌喉頗沒有自信的他,看得出演唱時很緊張,但還是獲得粉絲們熱情掌聲。
Cre Yahoo News
brief translation:
Lee Min Ho sings to celebrate Xmas with fans in advance and said Taiwan girls are pretty
On the 15th night, Lee Min Ho held his fanmeeting at NTU Sports Center. He sings live and share his childhood photos and also cook dessert to celebrate Christmas with his fans in advance.
Lee Min Ho has rehearsed for the fanmeet since he arrived the venue in the afternoon. To show his best, he sings two songs, "My Everything" and "Qin Fei De Yi". He is not very confident about his singing and was nervous when he sing, but still he received big applause from his fans.
During the fanmeet, LMH answered 5 questions from his lucky fans. When asked about the type of girl he likes, he said he like every type and said Taiwan girls are all beautiful. in addition, he said his relationship with Ku Hyesun is like brother & sister, thus they won't have further development after filming. after the fanmeet, LMH planned to leave Taiwan on the 16th at 2:55pm by flight BR160.
(note: sorry I don't know how to translate the first sentence exactly so i skipped that. It says LMH has a habit of lifting his little finger.)
Source: Dong A,
Lee Min Ho: I want to take part in IRIS 2
8 months after Boys Before Flowers, Lee Min Ho is still very much involved in promotion activities. Yesterday, he was at Taiwan for his personal fan-meeting. Earlier that day, he attended a press conference at Westin Hotel where he made several ‘confessions’.
1. I want to take part in IRIS 2
Our flower-boy is currently choosing his next project, which is likely to be released in the first half of 2010. He expresses his wish for a manly and melodramatic role and is currently looking at 2-3 good scripts. Due to his previous success in BOF, he feels the pressure to deliver an even better performance in his next project. In addition, he confesses his wish to be part of IRIS 2 and would like to learn from sunbae Lee Byeong Heon.
2. His Christmas wish? A girlfriend!
I dont want a lonely Christmas. I want be able to have a good time while working hard at the same time. It will be good if I can find a girlfriend. It doesnt matter if shes 12 years apart from me. It will be even better if shes older than me but still have a young face.
Lee Min Ho expresses that hallyu star Song Hye Gyo is his ideal type and he has been a fan of hers since he was a kid.
3. I want to receive the Best New Actor award
Its the end of another year and time for the awards ceremony! Lee Min Ho expresses his greed to win the coveted award. One can only have a single chance to win this award.
"2009 has been the best year for me. The 23rd year of my life was filled with happiness and warmth. Looking back, I still cant believe my good luck."
Actor Lee Min Ho said, "After Song Hye Kyo reveals her love relationship, she is still my dream lover." On 15th before the fanmeeting at NTU Sports Centre in Taiwan, Lee Min Ho talked to media about his recently move, ideal girlfriend and upcoming plan.
Lee Min Ho said, "The Xmas gift I want most is a girlfriend. no matter what kind of girl, all I want is a girl who I can talk to comfortably like a friend. I don't like to be in an atmosphere that makes him feel uncomfortable or uneasy, I want a girlfriend who could let me relax."
Lee Min Ho stated in a previous program that Song Hye Kyo was his dream lover. He said, "I have been a fans of Song Hye Kyo since I was little, thus it won't change." He also expressed that even the relationship of Song Hye Kyo & Hyun Bin would not change his thought. He even said, "If I really like a girl, it doesn't matter even if she is much older than me (that part is really exaggerating since 一輪 means 60 years) " When reporter asked, "Who will be the one you most wanted to pair up for the MBC Program 'We Got Married'?" He answered, "Since most of the girls who I have been working with were older than me, I want someone younger to be with me for the program." Everyone laughed for his contradictory answers.
Lee Min Ho said, "This year's Xmas, I think I can only rely on works to get away from loneliness." In addition, Lee Min Ho sang for 2000 plus fans and showed his cooking skill at the fanmeeting.
Lee Min Ho held a fan meeting session in Taipei, Taiwan on the 15th Dec. Before the fans meeting session there was a press conference at the Taipei Westin Hotel.
At the press conference, Lee Min Ho expressed: “Although I came to Taiwan previously to promote my drama, this time I came alone to meet my fans directly. Even though my singing is poor, but I hope that everyone will finds me adorable.”
The same day evening at 8pm, Lee Min Ho performed at the Taipei’s National Taiwan University Stadium in his fans meeting session. He sang 2 songs from the ‘Boys Before Flowers’ soundtrack - ‘My Everything’ and ‘Boys Before Flowers’ main theme.
Lee Min Ho said that his greatest charm is his friendliness. He continued: “Although there was script for the fans meeting session, I don’t really read it. I often joke so that time pass more easily. Therefore I hope to learn more foreign languages. Because if I would to tell a Korean joke, the meaning will be different and it takes time to translate, if no one laugh, I will feel very embarrassed.”
Lee Min Ho’s sister speaks English very well. Currently he is learning English from his sister and he said it embarrassingly that his English is still at a very basic level.
‘Boys Before Flowers’ receives very high popularity in Taiwan and Japan. Lee Min Ho said: “Compared to Japanese fans, South Korea and Taiwan fans are more aggressive in showing their love. He smiled and said: “When I was at the airport immigration office, a fan pinched me at my bottom. I turned around quickly to look but that person had already disappeared. I seem to understand how a woman felt when she had been sexually harassed as I have such experience now.”
Lee Min Ho had never miss any episodes of Korean TV drama ‘IRIS’. He said: “I see Lee Byung Hun as a role model. If the production team ask me to act in ‘IRIS2′, I will actively consider. Although I received a lot of support through ‘Boys Before Flowers’ but it also consider as a heavy burden as my next drama has to be a great success too. Currently I’m choosing my next drama, hope to see everyone soon in the first half of next year.”
Being asked if Goo Hye Sun (who is preparing to direct a movie) will to ask if he will like to act in her movie, will he accept the invitation? Lee Min Ho laughed and said: “There was once she showed me the script and I told her that I’m busy. She replied by saying: “I do not have the idea of asking you to act in my movie.”
Source From: IsPlus, koreanclicks
For these articles, I just hope that the translations are accurate. Telling Song Hye Kyo as his ultimate dream girl does not necessarily means that he has a wish of marrying the girl or courting her. It only means that he finds some of the qualities of Song Hye kyo to his liking and maybe a standard for what he truly seeks in a woman becoming his romantic love. Still, saying again and again that age does not matter to him is a giveaway...maybe referring to GHS, commenting that their relationship has not gone beyond brother/sister relationship is still open for thorough arguments by minsun followers like me, if his expressions in the video is to be considered.
well, Minho must try to be a little more consistent with his answers to make us believe otherwise regarding GHS.
well, Minho must try to be a little more consistent with his answers to make us believe otherwise regarding GHS.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
091214 CTV News - Lee Min Ho@ Taiwan Airport + Press Conference
Cre ying5387isme3
Category: Entertainment
Tags: 091214 CTV Lee Min Ho@ Taiwan Airport Press Conference
No English Sub yet...
related video...
091213 Lee Min Ho @ Incheon Airport to Taiwan [fancam]2
Cre DC
Category: Entertainment
Tags: 22533576
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Goo Hye Sun Teases Lee Min Ho Part 1
Goo Hye Sun (구혜선) teases Lee Min Ho (이민호) Part 1... I realized that Goo Hye Sun teased, hit, touched Lee Min Ho so many times.. kekeke.. Cuz theres alot moments where Hye Sun teased Min Ho.. So i make two parts.. hehe.. ENJOY... MinSun Forever!! ^^
Part 1 included Goo Hye Sun teased Lee Min Ho while their shooting Boys Over Flowers..
Category: Entertainment
Tags: Goo Hye Sun 구혜선 Lee Min Ho 이민호 MinSun Boys Over Flowers
Thanks vitriana for this lovely video and beautiful song. These moments are precious and what keeps minsun shipper like me keep the faith.
Goo Hye Sun Teases Lee Min Ho Part 2
Goo Hye Sun (구혜선) teases Lee Min Ho (이민호) Part 2... Moments where Goo Hye Sun teased, hit, touched Lee Min Ho.^^ Eventhough MinSun were not shooting Boys Over Flowers again.. Goo Hye Sun still tease Lee min Ho.. kekeke.... MinSun Forever!!! I Hope you like it.. ENJOY!!!
Category: Entertainment
Tags: Goo Hye Sun 구혜선 Lee Min Ho 이민호 MinSun Boys Over flowers
This second video is a continuation of the video above...this shows how close Minho and Hye sun to each other, how they are comfortable being together, almost all moments filled with laughter and their chemistry is great.
091211 Ku Hye Sun @ Yahoo Buzz Award 2009
cre Yahoo corp blog
Category: Entertainment
Tags: 091211 Ku Hye Sun Yahoo Buzz Award 2009
Lee Min Ho greetings for Singapore Minoz fanmeeting
Translation credit -
Hi Singapore fans,
Finally we can meet at the first fan meeting in Singapore on 21st December. I was very impressed with the warm welcome and love you have shown during my last visit. Which is why Im coming back again. Thank you.
I hope it will be memorable for you, spending time with me on the fan meeting day. Christmas is coming soon. Wishing all of you a very wonderful and joyous Christmas.
Thank you!
Category: Entertainment
Tags: Lee Min Ho greetings for Singapore Minoz fanmeeting
Lee Minho Philippines greets Arirang Showbiz Extra on their 1000th Episode!
Congratulations Showbiz Extra on your 1000th Episode!
Greetings from, LEE MINHO PHILIPPINES (,
The First and Largest Filipino Fanclub of Lee Minho.
Category: Entertainment
Tags: arirang showbiz extra lee minho min ho philippines filipino fan club
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
More photos of Lee Minho...

hmmm...Minho seems to favor that always, no matter what he wears, no matter how disheveled his hair..still he looks gorgeous.
Lee Minho in Japan...
[09.11.26] Minoz Japan 1st Event - Official Clip Part 1/2
Source: Daum
[09.11.26] Minoz Japan 1st Event - Official Clip Part 2/2
Source: Daum
(Translated from 연합뉴스) Drama “Boys over Flowers” main actor Lee Min Ho has held his first Japan solo fan meeting “Minoz JAPAN First Event” at Tokyo Shibuya CeCe Hall on November 26. This event is held twice in a day. There is an estimate of about 4000 Japan fans who attended this event.
After much excitment coming from the audience, Lee Min Ho entered the event venue and greeted in Japanese to his fans, “I have been waiting for this day to come to Japan.” He said, “Last month, I have been busy with visits, TV ad and overseas events etc in Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.” “And in ahead, I also want to continue to be busy.”
And also, referring to the release of his first travel pictorial book “旅-Travel with MINHO”, he added on saying, “I love the streets of Japan, I have proposed to take a travel pictorial book like this in Japan also.”
At the question corner, with regards to his role as Goo Joon Pyo, he said, “If the person who I like said that she dislikes me, I will go to verify what are the questions and from there I will work hard to adjust to her.”
At another question on how he would make a proposal, he said, “I will prepare as what you seen from the stage today.” “I have a special confession to make, “Will you marry me”, and after confession, I will present her with a ring as present and with a knee down pose directly. After saying, the event venue is filled with cheers.
After the 2 hours fan meeting ended, Lee Min Ho exited the event venue with fans rising up and their loud applause and cheers.
(translation copyrights credit –
Source: Daum
[09.11.26] Minoz Japan 1st Event - Official Clip Part 2/2
Source: Daum
(Translated from 연합뉴스) Drama “Boys over Flowers” main actor Lee Min Ho has held his first Japan solo fan meeting “Minoz JAPAN First Event” at Tokyo Shibuya CeCe Hall on November 26. This event is held twice in a day. There is an estimate of about 4000 Japan fans who attended this event.
After much excitment coming from the audience, Lee Min Ho entered the event venue and greeted in Japanese to his fans, “I have been waiting for this day to come to Japan.” He said, “Last month, I have been busy with visits, TV ad and overseas events etc in Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.” “And in ahead, I also want to continue to be busy.”
And also, referring to the release of his first travel pictorial book “旅-Travel with MINHO”, he added on saying, “I love the streets of Japan, I have proposed to take a travel pictorial book like this in Japan also.”
At the question corner, with regards to his role as Goo Joon Pyo, he said, “If the person who I like said that she dislikes me, I will go to verify what are the questions and from there I will work hard to adjust to her.”
At another question on how he would make a proposal, he said, “I will prepare as what you seen from the stage today.” “I have a special confession to make, “Will you marry me”, and after confession, I will present her with a ring as present and with a knee down pose directly. After saying, the event venue is filled with cheers.
After the 2 hours fan meeting ended, Lee Min Ho exited the event venue with fans rising up and their loud applause and cheers.
(translation copyrights credit –
Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun Cute, Sweet n' Adorable Moments
credit: vitriana@youtube
One of the many minsun videos made by fans...this video captures all sweet moments behind the camera while filming BOF and doing photoshoots. Actions may be more revealing than denials made to stop issues...
Whatever the real score is between them, these moments will forever be here and will not fade away, they took place and not a dream made for a fantasy movie. These moments were true, not scripted.
For now, this is enough for minsun fans...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
@Andre Kim Fantasy Christmas Awards...
091128 Goo Hye Sun and other stars @ Andre Kim Fantasy Christmas Awards

Credit: DC
GHS really knows how to dress. She looks so elegant, stylish, and unique in this yellow, short ensemble, with matching gold sandals for her dainty feet. Her skin glowed and all was perfect even her new hairstyle, she exudes beauty all over. She is so petite, yet for me, she out stand everyone with her radiant smile.

Credit: DC
GHS really knows how to dress. She looks so elegant, stylish, and unique in this yellow, short ensemble, with matching gold sandals for her dainty feet. Her skin glowed and all was perfect even her new hairstyle, she exudes beauty all over. She is so petite, yet for me, she out stand everyone with her radiant smile.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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