Gu Hye Sun's Upcoming Drama

Gu Hye Sun's Upcoming Drama


Goo Hye Sun's new drama BLOOD will be updated in Wandering Thoughts.
I will try to make screen caps/gif and share some thoughts about the drama.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ku Hye Sun likes Wu Zhun, does not afraid of Lee Min Ho's jealousy

具惠善最愛吳尊 不怕李敏鎬吃醋 Ku Hye Sun likes Wu Zhun, does not afraid of Lee Min Ho's jealousy

韓國人氣女星具惠善來台宣傳即將開拍的偶像劇,今天特地舉辦粉絲同樂會,還準備多樣貼身禮物要給幸運粉絲,讓台下尖叫聲連連,每個粉絲都迫不及待想上台,今天還透露自己最愛肌肉男。 Popular Korean Star Ku Hye Sun comes to Taiwan for promotion of the upcoming idol dram, today a fanmeeting was held and she prepare many gifts for her lucky fans, making her fans scream and can't wait to get on stage. She also mentioned that she loves muscular man.

具惠善今天在粉絲同樂會上,大方透露自己很愛肌肉男,更說吳尊的外型很符合她的條件。昨天兩人還一同去吃小火鍋,不過原本說要回請酒量不太好的吳尊喝酒,都因為吳尊接下來還有通告,只好作罷。 Ku Hye Sun, at today's fanmeeting, said that she likes muscular man. she also mentioned that Wu Zhun's outlook fits in her conditions for BF. Yesterday they went together for hot pot, she originally want to buy alcohol for WuZhun but becoz of his schedule and that was cancelled.

在現場具惠善更說吳尊比之前合拍《流星花園》的男主角李敏鎬還要帥,還說最欣賞的台灣男藝人是吳尊,具惠善笑說,「我現在眼裡只有吳尊,他最帥了!李敏鎬聽到應該會有點生氣!」 During the event, Ku Jye Sun said that Wu Zhun is even more handsome than Lee Min Ho who worked with her in BOF. She also said that she admires Wu Zhun the most among all Taiwan artists. Ku Hye Sun said, "There's only Wu Zhu inmy mind now, He's the most handsome one! Lee Min Ho should be a bit angry when he heard that!"

而在韓國有智慧美女之稱的具惠善,多才多藝的她,除了演員的身分外,更開始自編自導電影,第一部指導的電影《魔術》,描述的是一群年輕人對於音樂的熱情,而這部片也入圍了11月的亞太影展,現在更籌拍第二部作品,將描述吸血鬼的故事。 being renowned as an intelligent beauty, Ku Hye Sun is multi-talented. apart from being an actress, she is also a movie director, her first featured film "Magic" , which talks about a group of youngsters full of passion towards music. The movie was also invited for screening at Asia Pacific Film Festival in Nov. She is now preparing for her second project, which is a story about vampire.

即將要籌拍第二部電影的具惠善,已完成新劇本的初稿,預計明年就要開始進行拍攝。而談到要拍吸血鬼的故事,具惠善透露自己其實很怕鬼,不過這部片不是鬼片,是很有美感的!看到這麼多影迷的熱情支持,具惠善開心的說「謝謝大家!要繼續支持我喔!」(記者:洪麗馨) Ku Hye Sun, who is prepared to start filming her second movie, has finished the draft of script. it is expected to start filming next year. and when talk about the vampire story, KHS said that she is in fact afraid of ghost. But this movie is not a ghost film but a very beautiful one! When seeing so passionate support from her fans, KHS said, " Thank you so much! Please continue to support me!" (Reporter: Hong Li Xing)

trnaslation cr:

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